
Message Delivery Delay #2

currently 10 years ago updated by Davor Zlotrg (Owner) 10 years ago 6
Not fixed =(
I received this notification again
Under review
Seeing the logs from my mail server I see that the email is bounced back. It says that your mail server rejected it because I am not authorized. I did everything I could on my end. Could you maybe register a different email address? 
We are sending out a lot of newsletters and we only have problems sending to your mail server.
It's really strange.
Maybe you can change my mail in profile or DB?
Yes, I can change it, just give me the email you would like.
Change please "valeros@bigmir.net" to "valeros08@gmail.com"
Ok, I changed it in the database, that is your new username now (the password is the same) and you will be getting newsletters on gmail now.