
how to filter rss articles by time?

Denny Trebbin 10 years ago updated by Davor Zlotrg (Owner) 10 years ago 4
i just joined rssheap and imported my ompl file and now see rss articles which have been released 4 years ago.

not much of them but rss is not a an archive for me. dont want to see outdated stuff :-)
is it a bug or can i have a filter to blend out and away all the stuff older than {time} ?
Under review
Hey Denny,

It is not possible to filter out articles based on a date right now but I will implement it in a day or two, it makes sense. 
I am thinking about putting a date that you can select (the same way you select tags) and based on that date we wont show articles that are published before / outdated.

Stay tuned :)
Hi Denny, you can now filter articles by time.
When you click on "Edit" next to "Your tags", you will be prompted to select the filtering options. You can choose to hide articles older than 2 months / 3 months / 6 months / 1 year or older than a specific date.

Let me know if this meets your expectations and if I can make it better in any way. Looking forward for your feedback.