
Easier path to master feed page

Chad 10 years ago updated 10 years ago 4
While reading an article, a link is available in the left pane with the name of the source RSS feed. A user may be interested in seeing other articles from that same RSS feed.

Suggestion: add a link or button that allows the reader to navigate to the 'master' RSS feed page (displaying all articles from that feed). As it is now, the reader needs to go to the homepage and search for the feed among the list.
Under review
Below the article post there is a link "View all articles from feed" but I agree, that needs to be more visible to the user.
Ohhhh.... I see it now. So the functionality is already there. In fact, it may be a good place for one of my other suggestions (about subscribing to the feed).

I personally like the newest "flat" style of web design, but with muted/single color icons, it makes it easy to get overlooked.

Looks great!