
Message Delivery Delay

currently 10 years ago updated 10 years ago 6
Hello! I have next problem with the subscribe:
Message is waiting at rssheap.com for delivery to mx8.bigmir.net.
Message delivery has been delayed to the following recipients:Recipient: [SMTP:heremail@mail.com]
Reason: Remote SMTP Server Returned: 451 Unauthorised request. Try again later
Under review
Do you have issues with unsubscribing? If yes than there is "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the newsletter email.

Did I understand you correctly?
I did not get the newsletter email, only notification like this:

Ok, I see the issue. I am not sure why you got that email but I will check it out. Thanks for letting me know.
I made some adjustments to the mail server and you should no longer receive those emails. Let me know if you still see the issue.
Not fixed =(
I received this notification again