
Clicking on a link in email

Jakub Olek 10 years ago updated by Davor Zlotrg (Owner) 10 years ago 5
Should direct me to the source page, instead it opens main page that asks me to login, and then source page is lost.
Under review
Hi Jakub, I just tried it and if you are not logged in and it will open the popup and after you login it redirects to the source page. 
Do you have an example where I could see it because I can't seem to reproduce it?

after logging with G+, this does not open the article but the list.
Hey Jakub, yes I see now. Thanks for letting me know, I will fix it right away.
The issue has been fixed now. You should no longer be redirected to the articles list but the article itself. Thanks again for reporting the issue and let me know if you have any other issues.