
Advance from article to article

Chad 10 years ago updated by Davor Zlotrg (Owner) 10 years ago 5
Unless I am missing it... it seems that a reader needs to return to the front page in order to advance to the next article in the list (link: "Go back to article list").

Rating articles and adding tags will be a lot simpler if a reader can just click on a 'forward' or 'backward' arrow located on the "reading" page.

Suggestion: add an overlay arrow on the left and right sides of the article (that might become more opaque when the user hovers over it).
Under review
Yes, you are right, there is no way to advance to the next article without going back to the article list. 
I was thinking about opening article pages in a popup instead of redirecting to the separate page.

What do you think, what would be better, popup or previous/next buttons?
Either way could work. However, adding all of the other details that each "reading" page has (i.e. RSS link & description, tags, etc.) might be easier on a new page since you already have the formatting and functionality.

On the other hand, if you are looking to have a more condensed view of the next article, than a modal pop-up might be the way to go.
I introduced the popup now.
Let me know what you think.