
Mobile application for Android would be excellent addition to this great service

Viktor Yanush 10 years ago updated by Davor Zlotrg (Owner) 10 years ago 10
It would be good to read rssheap on smartphone under Android. Also it would attract a lot of people.
Hey Viktor,

Yes, that is planned - I am pretty much done with the web functionality and after that moving on to android and ios apps.

Stay tunded.
I would love to help with this.
I have some experience with porting applications like this to mobile.

I would suggest to get this up very quick use Phonegap
That way we cover 3 platforms in one go and we can just HTML for the markup and stuff.

If you would like my help with this I would like to know how to access a json api or something.
Hey Ramon,

Thanks a lot for your help but I decided not to go with phonegap. I already implemented a couple of other apps using phonegap and I am not satisfied with the user experience at all - running the app in browser is just not as smooth as native, transitions and animations are just way off and the overall performance is really bad. 

I want to go fully native on these apps because it would give a great user experience and I really want that. 
Let me know what you think.
Yeah you are right.
But what do you want to do where you will need native for?

I did an simple app once that did a get request on an api and presented that data in a nice format, but styling besides that native elements is a really pain and maintaining it is even worse.
Yes the native stuff is cool but for the use case of reading news, there is no real reason in my opinion.

I think and strongly advice to go with a web based version.
We don't need to embed the site as is now.
We can do everything local which would be that much slower in practice.
I would do a get request on start up( when you show splash anyway). You are only loading text so thats really fast, the rest of the assets and logics will come for the application it self which is local. 

If you do want some native functionality we could use the translation layer of Cordova to do so, which is very nice integrated within phonegap.
I will think about creating phonegap version as well - my point is: the site is already responsive and packing it in phonegap would be pretty much the same thing as viewing responsive website, you just have an app that you can install.

When you open the page on a mobile, right now, moving from one article to another is not as smooth as I would like it to be - that is because it is running in the browser - that is why I would like native, it would be a lot faster to go from one article to another and the transitions would be really nice. 

I did quite a few apps with phonegap, even with xamarin and I am not satisfied with any of those apps - yes, you can style it more than you can style native but you loose a lot of other cool features that you get with native.

I will provide an api for sure and when that is done we can arrange something - we can always try and see how it goes.
Can you tell an approximate time for the iOS app, or how is it goes, any news about the progress?
Hi Can, right now I am working on the android app and when I am done with that I will start working on the IOS. I can't really tell how much time it will take, I made a good progress on the android but won't start on the IOS until i am done with Android. I just don't have resources to work on the both platforms at the same time. 
Hi everybody,

I know it took a while but rssheap for android is on google play now.
You can grab it from here

Expecting your feedback and thanks for waiting ;)