
Pop-up window shows off the right side of the screen

Chad 10 years ago updated by Davor Zlotrg (Owner) 10 years ago 4
Clicking on the down-arrow found in the bottom right corner of any article panel on the front page causes the pop-up bubble (allowing ignore, etc) to display off the right side of the screen. It also causes the bottom scroll bar to grow in width. Very difficult to click any choices as the pop-up disappears as soon as the cursor leaves the scroll bar.

This should be changed to stay within the boundary of the screen.

  • Windows 8.1
  • Chrome Version 36.0.1985.143 m
  • Dual monitor
Under review
Hi Chad,

I have exactly the same configuration and it is working fine on my end. I just published some changes so there might have been some delay in loading css/js and that's why the popup was a bit off.
Could you please try again and upload a screenshot so I can see it?
No luck. I cleared cache, restarted browser and re-launched the site. Still displaying mostly off the right side of the screen. Additionally, it is behaving the same in IE Version: 10.0.9200.17028 - and this is after reading your reply (so no history on the site).
Hi Chad, I did some refactoring and now the popup should stay within the boundaries of the screen. 
Sorry it took me so long, I was busy with other parts of the website.

Let me know if you have any other issues with the site.